A Wattle Flat mystery, that you may be able to solve.

Who are these odd people, and what are they doing in front of the stone church on the hill at Wattle Flat?

I don’t know, but I thought it would be worth trying to find out.

First of all, are they actually in front of the Wattle Flat church? Comparing the shape & size of the rocks in the wall, provides convincing evidence – check for yourself if you like.

I am not sure when the photo was taken, but guessing early 20th Century, perhaps about 1910.

Of the 34 people in the picture, there seem to be 10 men aged between about 20 & 70; 3 older women, and 21 girls. There are no young boys. Most are wearing some form of ornate sash.

It seems possible that this group belong to a friendly society organisation known as the Oddfellows, but there never was an Oddfellow Hall in Wattle Flat. There was one in Sofala and several others throughout the wider district. So are they from Wattle Flat, or from further afield?

You maybe able to help in solving this mystery.

One clue:

The guy who wrote the 1940 book “Ghosts of the Goldfields” (a study of early goldfields life in Wattle Flat & Sofala) was Henry H Neary (1867-1948).  He was born & grew up on a farm at Wyagdon. He attended the Wattle Flat Anglican church, and married Eliza Jane Storey in this church in April 1897. This couple then relocated to Rockley-Burraga & raised a family. During this time Henry was strongly involved with the Burraga Oddfellows friendly society.

In 1906 Henry is referred to as Financial Secretary Past Grand Brother (PG Bro) H H Neary and commendation is made to his services over the previous 3 ½ years.  In 1910 he is elected District Deputy Grand Master of the Bathurst District Manchester Unity Oddfellows.   

Wattle Flat Local History Item No.16 – C Green, 2019

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